10 Best Books For Female Entrepreneurs Worth Reading In 2023

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Last Updated on February 15, 2023 by NandiNN

Top Books For Female Entrepreneurs

There are hundreds of books available on the topic of entrepreneurship online, but I really wanted to outline some of the best books for female entrepreneurs.

Books are the first thing I turn to if I am looking for inspiration or solid advice. 

I did write an epic post last year about some of the best books every entrepreneur should read

This year I wanted to focus on the best business books for female entrepreneurs!

I promote and support female entrepreneurs and this post was long in the making. 

I love to read and learn about the different things I can do to better myself each year. 

Reflecting on the past and motivation are the two things that keep me going daily. 

Most of my motivation comes from reading women entrepreneur books, female entrepreneur blogs and even simple quotes. 

Go ahead and check out this list of over 10 inspirational quotes for female entrepreneurs

I guarantee you that you will love them. 

If you enjoy reading and you are looking for a new book to read, or other books to get you inspired, we have you covered with this post.

Our list of books is perfect for female entrepreneurs and covers everything from managing your time to the basics of starting up a business.

You’ll find some old classics (and some new ones) that will motivate and educate you on your journey!

Are you ready to learn more about what books to read if you want to be successful?

Why Should You Read Women Entrepreneur Books?

I am always striving to maintain the exact healthy habit of financially successful people, more specifically women.

And I find that women that are successful tend to read and learn more from other successful women. 

If you didn’t know, women entrepreneurs have been making strides in the past few years and the best thing you can do for yourself is to learn from them.

Women-owned businesses make up more than a million of the businesses in the United States and employ nearly 7 million people, according to Forbes Magazine.

As women continue to slowly break into male-dominated industries such as tech startups, they are also becoming more prevalent as solo business owners and founders with their own companies. 

I am a huge supporter of promoting female entrepreneurs and that’s why I personally encourage others to do the same. 

Women entrepreneurs are definitely a force to be reckoned with.

They bring their unique perspectives and strengths to the table, which is why it’s important to learn about what they have experienced in order to get an understanding of how they think.

And the best way to do that is to read books for female entrepreneurs created by other female entrepreneurs.

In this post, I will be exploring some of the best books for women entrepreneurs that I’ve come across so far in my career.

Please enjoy this list of great reads!

We will be looking at:

  • The best books for women in business

  • The reason why women entrepreneurs books are worth reading

  • The best books for young businesswoman

  • Books for female entrepreneurs that want to start a business

If this sounds like something you are into, keep reading. 

I have personally started a few successful businesses and a lot of my success is due to reading women entrepreneur books and creating a solid plan. 

I have personally used this exact business plan multiple times to land my dream career not only once but 6 times. 

Grab my dream business planner today!

So what are the books every professional woman should read?

Before we get started on what the best books for female entrepreneurs are, we did want you to follow us on Facebook for more awesome ideas on saving or making more money. You can also follow us on Instagram for more tips. 

We also wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we use Affiliate links on some of our blog posts. This means that we could make a commission if you click on an affiliate link and purchase something. Read our full disclosure and blog policy for more information.

Top 10 books every woman should read in 2023

If you are truly looking for inspiration and tips that really work, you have come to the right place.

Here is a list of female entrepreneurs that are worth the read:

10 Best business books for female entrepreneurs & bloggers! If you are a woman in business looking for inspiration, here is a list of the best books for female entrepreneurs! Gain insight, inspiration, and suggestions on how to be a successful business woman.

1. Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg

Reading entrepreneurial books is one of the best ways to fast-track your entrepreneurial success.

You will learn a lot more actionable tips that can be implemented in your own business to see quick success. 

“I’m sure that you’ve heard of the term “Lean In” by now.

It’s a book about women and work, written by Sheryl Sandberg.

I am not going to tell you what it is all about because I want you to read it for yourself.

But if there was one thing from the book that really stuck with me, it would be this quote: ‘The world won’t change until men take on half of the responsibility.’

So true!

And we can start to see change happen when more women are in leadership positions.

This one has got to be one of the best books for female entrepreneurs!

Find out what it’s all about right here

2. How Women Rise

If you are looking for inspirational books for entrepreneurs, How Women Rise is what you need.

As a female entrepreneur, this is one of my favourite books and it has really helped me with some of the struggles that I have had as an entrepreneur. 

The book is extremely inspirational and sheds light on the challenges women face as they rise in the corporate ranks.

How Women Rise has been a go-to book for those who seek inspiration and encouragement as they seek to move out of the box of their current positions.

The book is basically about how women can rise to leadership positions in corporate America.

The book starts off with an informative piece on the world history of feminism and its progression through time, ultimately leading up to the present day. 

This section also discusses some of the inequalities that women still face today as well as gives suggestions for what women can do today to improve their opportunities in the future.

Sally and Marshall identify the 12 habits that hold women back as they seek to advance, showing them why what worked for them in the past might actually be sabotaging their future success.

If you want to read more, go ahead and check out this epic book right here

How women rise, an book for entrepreneurs that want to become the best. Grab this book today and rise. How women rise!

3. Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office

You will soon come to learn that there are plenty of inspiring books for women! 

You just need to go with one or two that speak to you the most.

To me, that was this book. 

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. Frankel. 

Lois shares over 130 distinctive sets of behaviours that women learn in girlhood that ultimately sabotage them as adults.

Not only does she go into detail about how you can eliminate these unconscious mistakes that could be holding you back but she also offers invaluable coaching tips that can easily be incorporated into your social and business skills.

With these changes, you can learn to quickly land career opportunities that you never thought were possible.

Stop making nice girl errors that can become career pitfalls, such as:

  • Discussing office politics
  • Multi-tasking
  • Not negotiating
  • Needing to be liked
  • Inappropriate use of social media
  • Putting your work ahead of your personal life

And so much more. 

This epic book was written for females and it’s one of the best business books every woman should read before entering the workforce. 

And if you are wondering why you are not considered for a promotion or given more priority, you should absolutely get a copy right away. 

4. Boss Bitch

In case you haven’t heard, the Boss Bitch book by Nicole Lapin is an informative read on how to be more successful in life and at work.

Nicole Lapin is an award-winning journalist and author who spent 15 years as a reporter, editor, and anchor for CNN.

She has also published more than 100 articles in magazines like Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Elle, The New York Times Sunday Magazine and Redbook.

In her new book Boss Bitch: A Power Guide for Women Who Want to Get S**t Done she shows how women can build empires from the ground up by mastering their time management skills.

“I’m not here to tell you that you should be bossy at work or always get your way,” Nicole writes on page four of Boss Bitch “I’m telling you that if you have something important to say, then it’s worth speaking up.”

Boss Bitch is a book that really goes into detail about how to be a boss in the workplace.

It covers topics like building your brand, managing stress with routines and mindset, finding your voice, and staying competitive in the modern workforce.

I found this book helpful because it gave me practical tips for being successful at work. 

I would recommend Boss Bitch to anyone who wants to learn more about how they can become a successful woman in today’s working world.

It includes a 12-step plan that will help you advance your career.

It’s definitely one of the best books for female entrepreneurs and one that I highly recommend. 

Are you looking for an amazing book to read to grow your business? Then look no further than boss bitch.

5. Worth It

This is, honestly one of the best books for women on money that I have ever read! 

Amanda’s down-to-earth style of talking to the reader as if we are close friends with whom she openly shares all of her missteps and mistakes is absolutely refreshing.

She is the founder and superstar CEO of DailyWorth.com—the go-to financial site for women!

Worth It: Your Life, Your Money, Your Terms is an epic book that shows women how to view money as a source of personal power and freedom—and live life on their terms.

I found this part really interesting and so true:

“Life doesn’t go in a straight line from leaving school, to making money, to having a family and retiring. And because of this—because of how we thought our lives would go and what we felt entitled to—we feel like we’re doing things wrong like we’ve made a mistake.

Things are not working out, and it’s our fault. But that’s a trap. And it’s totally demoralizing and unmotivating. You’re riding a wave between storms, not climbing the stairway to heaven. Got it?”

Millions of women want to create financial stability and abundance in their lives, but they don’t know how to get started. This book will guide you. 

You are going to love the book, be sure to pick up your copy today

6. Own It

Own It: The Power of Women at Work is a book every woman should read!

Sallie Krawcheck is the Co-founder and CEO of Ellevest, an innovative digital investment platform designed to help women reach their financial goals. 

Did you know that women have the opportunity to play a more significant role in shaping their companies into places they want to work – or leave to start their own?

This can be done by initiating courageous conversations about true flexibility and diversity in the workplace, forging non-traditional career paths, and more.

So how can you OWN it at work? Own It: The Power of Women at Work! An amazing book for female entrepreneurs

  • By knowing what success looks like
  • By asking for raises 
  • By finding and working with mentors and sponsors
  • Network with those that inspire you
  • Take control of our financial lives
  • And keep learning

If this is something you want to accomplish for yourself or other women, you need to read this book.

For those that are entrepreneurs at heart, don’t worry, there is a section for you too. 

Many women are embracing entrepreneurship including most of my readers. 

“The qualities women bring to the workplace can also make us terrific entrepreneurs.” 

Check out Own It: The Power of Women at Work right here.

7. Girl, Stop Apologizing

I honestly love anything Rachel Hollis writes. 

And her latest book – Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals is just as powerful.

It’s one of the most inspiring books for women!

By learning the skills to take ownership of your life you’ll find the confidence to follow your dreams and live life with no hesitation.

The book is a relatable read full of amazing tips and tricks to help you live an intentional life.

Many women have been taught to define themselves in light of other people—whether as wife, mother, daughter, or employee—instead of learning how to own who they are and what they want.

The book is split into 3 sections.


My favourite section is actually the first one.

It goes through many common excuses women make as they are working toward a goal.

Some of these include, “I’m not enough to succeed,” and “What will they think?”.

I love creating goals so it was interesting to read this section – here are 15 life goals for women worth setting.

If you want to succeed in life, you need to check out this book

I definitely recommend it for all female entrepreneurs out there.

8. Girl Code

GIRL CODE is a roadmap for female entrepreneurs, professional women, “side hustlers” (those with a day job who are building a business on the side), and every woman out there that one to become the best version of themselves. 

Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur is a must-read book for women in business!

An amazing and inspiring book by Cara Alwill Leyba pushes its readers to move out of their comfort zone to find their authentic selves.

She uses a voice and style that draws readers in and makes them believe she is speaking to them directly. 

I loved the fact that the book is a mix of advice, inspiring quotes and interviews with successful female entrepreneurs.

The advice is definitely broad and anyone can easily apply them to any business or life situation.

I also enjoyed the fact that it focuses on empowering others, ditching negativity and reminds us that there is no limit to success! 

It’s easily one of the best business books for female entrepreneurs!

Get a copy of Girl Code here.

Girl Code, a book created by a woman for women in order to become a successful entrepreneur

9. Everything is Figureoutable

I have made a pretty decent list of the best business books every woman should read and it wouldn’t be nearly as complete without mentioning this one. 

From the host of the award-winning MarieTV and The Marie Forleo Podcast, comes this amazing book that will likely change your life.

And we promise it will be for the best. 

The book is meant to retrain your brain to think more creatively and positively in the face of setbacks. 

If you’re having trouble solving a problem or reaching a dream, the problem isn’t you. It’s that you haven’t yet installed the one belief that changes everything.

Whether you want to leave a dead-end job, break an addiction, learn to dance, heal a relationship, or grow a business, Everything is Figureoutable will show you how.

You’ll learn:

  • The habit that makes it 42% more likely you’ll achieve your goals. 
  • How to overcome a lack of time and money. 
  • How to deal with criticism and imposter syndrome.

It’s definitely one of the best books for women in business as you learn to navigate the failures and successes of building a business. 

Go ahead and get your copy here.

10. Rich As F*ck

Ready for more money than you know what to do with?

Then you need to read Rich As F*ck!

Amanda Frances is a world-renowned thought leader on financial empowerment for women. In the world of personal development, she is widely known as the “Money Queen.”

So if you want to know to make more money, you better listen to her. 

And if you are in manifesting, you will absolutely love Amanda. 

She is truly the definition of a go-getter, a self-made millionaire who’s here to empower the masses to get up and go after their wildest dreams… and making money while doing it!

Her new book teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to see money for what it is and fully regain control of their finances.

The best-selling author covers a slew of various topics such as cracking the code of financial liberation and abundance, debunking the myths that come with money, and how to build your own empire.

Do you want to make $1 Million?

Read the book!

She literally spelled it out for you on how to do it! It’s definitely one of the most recommended books for women entrepreneurs especially in 2021!

Ricj as f*ck, an amazing book written by amanda frances is one of the best books for female entrepreneurs looking for ways to grow and create sustainable careers in 2021!

And there you have it, a list of the best books for female entrepreneurs

If you want to become a successful female entrepreneur, we highly suggest you read the books we shared in this post.

Which of these books have you read? 

Did we leave anything out?

And if you want you to sign up to receive exclusive career tips designed specifically for entrepreneurs and those looking to up-level themselves career-wise! 

You can sign up right here!

Career advice for women to help growth!


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10 Best Books For Female Entrepreneurs Worth Reading In 2023

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